

Auburn BCM has a new fund with The Baptist Foundation of Alabama for the purpose of receiving tax exempt matching gifts through your employer on behalf of Auburn BCM. The name of this fund is the Baptist Campus Ministries of Auburn Fund.

Donations received to this fund are immediately available for Auburn BCM use. This is a separate fund from the old Auburn Baptist Campus Ministries Alumni Fund. That fund is still operational and we receive the interest earned each year designated for programming use.

You can contact us for more information or The Baptist Foundation of Alabama directly at (334) 394-2000

| [email protected]

Fill out the contact form below

Are you interested in serving on an alumni committee that will plan alumni events, fundraising efforts for Auburn BCM and the current contact base?

Check out our Auburn BCM Alumni Facebook Group for the most recent information

Whenever you find yourself back in Auburn we welcome you to drop by and see your legacy in action